
Sound effects in a movie really help to create a reality- the audience expect to hear sounds we would hear in every day life. When making a film there are many different audio aspects, so they are grouped into three types:

  • Dialogue- all verbal sounds created by actors
  • Music- added to sequence to add effect
  • Effects- other sounds like, footsteps, creaking doors, gun fire

Diegetic sound 
  • This refers to the sound existing within the film- what the characters can hear.
  • This can be actors dialogue or sounds of objects within the movie
Non-diegetic sound
  • This refers to sound outside of the film- no character can hear this
  • This usually consists of music, telling the audience how to feel in certain scenes


During our lesson we watched an extract from a film called hunger, which was very much based around silence. Every diegetic noise, like the opening and closing of a heavy door or the sound of bath water, highly contrasted with the overlaying silence as each sound was heightened, which built tension throughout the film. The silence not only created a tense effect but it makes the audience feel slightly uncomfortable. The contrast of the silence heightens the sound of Bobbies breathing, so the audience can clearly see to what extent he is struggling. The lack of dialogue complements the atmosphere created, by the clinical and lifeless setting of the prison. There is very little dialogue throughout the film, however more facial expressions and body language is used which I think fits the film better as helps to convey emotions and feelings. The only non-diegetic sound in this extract was the music before 'Bobby Sands' dies. This really emphasises the contrast between the silence towards the beginning on the clip but also creates a very powerful feeling, showing flashbacks of Bobby as a child feeling out of breath, whilst the audience can also see him struggling for breath as he dies. 

My film opening

After watching this extract, it allowed me to see the importance of sound but also silence within in a film and how much it helps to convey emotions. I will strongly try and incorporate sounds which compliment my genre. Crime movies are generally filled with short, sharp sounds creating an effect of excitement and apprehension, especially in significant scenes where crime in taking place. I also liked how the film maker in 'Hunger' used silence to heighten other sounds, so I will try and use this in my film opening if possible. 


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